CDW Coaching & Organisational Health (Pty) Ltd

Courses & Products
Our slogan: Healthy People create Healthy Organisations comes out of the firm belief that healthy people (wholehearted), in healthy relationships that can be co-creators of the future of an organisation. The Root word of 'Healthy' refers to 'WHOLENESS', which is a sense of Robust Health. All our products, services, and courses are designed through this lens.

Through this process, we unpack the different layers of meaning in organisational life and helps people to make a careful exploration of who they are, take accountability for the role they play, how to function in teams, and understand their contribution to creating healthy environments.

Leading our Transformation is a change process that is set up to bring about Relational Transformation. It challenges mindsets, beliefs, values, and behavior. The content is applicable in the here and now and the group determines the relevance that bring about real change.

Before you can lead anyone else, you have to lead yourself. Leading within is a Life Skill process that gives people practical tools on how to identify and release their own potential. It enables people to dream and to become all whom they were created to be. It reveals that real change happens from the inside out and when we are mature we can impact our environments instead of letting your environment and circumstances impact them.

Grace for Life is written to heal the brokenhearted. For the past 20 years we facilitated this ever-changing process in groups and congregations and through it established caring environments where people know that life was not meant to do it on your own.
It is written from a Christ-Centered perspective and is available in book form in Afrikaans & English as well as 9 short teachings that are available on You Tube with personal & facilitators manuals.
Grace for Life in Afrikaans
This book is available at Graffiti books and stationery.
We are in the prosses to develop a full English video series that will link to the "Leading within prosses".

Genade vir n heel hart is Christa se eerste boek en video opnames is van die boek gemaak. Daar is 'n persoonlike en kleingroep handleiding beskikbaar vir aflaai op PDF. Die fasiliteerders handleiding is ook op PDF beskikbaar op aanvraag
Persoonlike en Klein groepe gebruik

Grace for Life:
Fasiliteerders Handleiding
Daar is 9 kort video’s beskikbaar op You Tube wat op die Persoonlike en Klein groep handleiding volg.
Elke mens het ‘n storie: Christa se pad
2 - Menskapasiteit:
Gister, vandag en More
5 - Emosionele volwassenheid: Stoompot en Landmyne
Wanneer jou hart jou aanval
3 - Perspektief:
Die Bril waardeur jy kyk
6 - Reuse:
Posisie in Christus
1- Prototipe:
Oorspronklike Plan en Identiteit
4 - Verandering:
Die emosionele siklus van verandering
7 - Seisoene:
Nodige Einde vir ‘n nuwe begin
“Do not become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You will be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” Romans 12:2 (MSG)